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Training without structure is Chaos in progress


Powerwatts believe in giving you all the tools to become a better version of you. With this we have YEAR long periodized training plans to take the guess work out of your training and bring World class session to your finger tips 

5 Zone model






We break your fitness into zone to allow us target and enhance all aspect of your cycling fitness

Critical Power

Using a model called Critical Power - We align all our session to YOUR CP20min - This allows us to train all levels from complete beginners to season veterans in the same class


Coached Sessions

ALL of our sessions are coached to ensure you've got the best out of both the session and yourself. Don't just follow a beat. Set goals, targets, and LEARN how to become more efficient and effective on the bike

Trophies & Games

Using gamification and our proprietary "Trophy shelf" We can help motivate you to hit all new Personal best and allow us to push you further then you ever thought possible. 

Games for Targets, accuracy and competition allow us to further enhance your experience.

Custom bikes and Pedals

Whether you're a seasoned pro that knows their EXACT bike fit details, or a beginner the has never known a handlebar from a saddle. 

Our coaches can set you up for success on FULLY customizable bikes and all different pedal systems for the Clipped in pro or the Trainers aficionado 

International Stage Races

Further on for the competitive amongst you, Powerwatts has multiple STAGE RACE amongst our international studio, with age, gender and overall categories - 

See how you fair and gain even more motivation 

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